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Self-Relieving Methods from Depression: Evidence-Based Strategies

Depression is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While professional treatment, such as psychotherapy and medication, is essential for managing depression, there are also self-help strategies that can complement professional care. In this article, we'll explore evidence-based self-relieving methods for managing depression.


Regular physical activity, such as walking, jogging, or weight training, can help alleviate symptoms of depression. Exercise has been shown to increase the production of endorphins, which are natural mood-boosters. Additionally, exercise can provide a sense of accomplishment and improve overall physical health, which can contribute to improved mood.

Challenge Negative Thoughts

Cognitive-behavioral techniques can help challenge and reframe negative thoughts, which is beneficial for managing depression. This approach involves identifying negative thoughts and replacing them with more positive and realistic ones. For example, if you find yourself thinking "I'm a failure," you can challenge this thought by asking yourself, "What evidence do I have to support this thought?" and "What evidence do I have to contradict this thought?"

Establish a Healthy Routine

Creating a structured daily routine can provide a sense of purpose and improve overall well-being. This can include setting regular sleep and wake times, scheduling time for exercise and self-care, and establishing a consistent work or school schedule. Having a routine can help reduce stress and provide a sense of control over daily life

Self-Care Strategies

Prioritizing self-care, including restful sleep, nutritious meals, and relaxation, is crucial for managing day-to-day life with depression. This can include practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, taking breaks when needed, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment.


Focusing on personal successes in a journal can provide a sense of meaning and contribute to improved mood. This can include writing down accomplishments, positive experiences, and things you're grateful for. Journaling can also help identify patterns in mood and behavior, which can aid in managing depression.

Supplements and Remedies

Some individuals may benefit from discussing the use of supplements or remedies, such as St. John's wort, with a healthcare professional. While these remedies are not a substitute for professional treatment, they may provide additional support for managing depression.

Seek Professional Guidance

It's important to emphasize the value of seeking professional help, including psychotherapy and medication, for treating depression. While self-help strategies can complement professional treatment, they cannot replace it. If you're experiencing symptoms of depression, it's important to seek guidance from a healthcare professional.

Identify Sense of Purpose

Encouraging individuals to identify their sense of purpose and work towards meaningful goals can aid in regaining a sense of fulfillment. This can include setting achievable goals, such as learning a new skill or volunteering, and focusing on personal values and interests. Having a sense of purpose can provide motivation and contribute to improved mood.

In conclusion, managing depression requires a multifaceted approach that includes professional treatment and self-help strategies. By incorporating evidence-based self-relieving methods, such as exercise, cognitive-behavioral techniques, and self-care strategies, individuals can complement professional care and improve their overall well-being. Remember, seeking professional guidance is essential for managing depression, and self-help strategies should be used in conjunction with professional treatment.


Self-Management of Depression: Beyond the Medical Model - PMC - NCBI


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